Answer: In many cases, you will be provided a questionnaire which requests that you furnish information about your medical condition and how you have been getting along. This is one means of keeping track of your progress. Promptly completing these forms and returning them to our office is extremely helpful. In addition, please notify our office of the following: change of address and/or phone number, change in employment-i.e. raises, reduction in salary, or loss of job, if you receive any new information regarding your case, if you are leaving town for more than one week, if you miss work due to your injuries and/or when you return to work; or if you are required to return to the hospital due to your injuries. You should check your e-mail daily for attorney communications. Please return our phone calls promptly as your schedule permits. Mail in all letters, medical bills, and other matters as soon as you receive them. Respond to attorney communications promptly.